Certified Couples Betrayal Recovery Therapist (CCBRT)
Traditional couples counseling often doesn’t work in cases where sexual addiction is present. The betrayed partner lives with the symptoms of complex PTSD and doesn’t know what is real anymore. Their marriage - a place that they counted on to provide a secure attachment proved to be anything but secure. For this reason, sex addiction couples therapy is highly specialized. As a CCBRT-trained therapist, I can provide couples with a roadmap for healing through individual stabilization, couple stabilization, individual healing, couple healing, and couple growth.
Certified Multiple Addictions Therapist (CMAT)
Close to 50% of people struggling with one addiction suffer from multiple addictions. Along the journey to sobriety, it’s critical to pinpoint and work to heal all addictions. These co-occurring addictions are not exclusively drug/alcohol based but can also include financial addiction and eating disorders. As a CMAT-certified therapist, I can pinpoint and help treat these multiple addictions.
Certified Sex Addiction Therapist (CSAT)
Certified Sexual Addiction Therapists (CSATs) use a task-centered approach, designed to help addicts find the courage to find freedom and live authentically in the world. CSATs go through intensive training to earn their credential. They sit under intense and thorough supervision from experts in the field and are required to keep up with the ongoing research through ongoing continuing education requirements. From well-researched foundational assessments; to full, carefully managed disclosures; to a renewal of vows or a dignified, freeing end to their relationship, CSATs are trained and have the expertise to work with sex addicts.
Ernest Hemingway
“The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong in the broken places”
Carl Jung
“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are”
At Gracefall, we believe the only long-term change agent is love. Relational Psychodynamic Therapy allows for this sort of deep bond to be molded between client and therapist, and only when such trust has been developed can long-lasting healing occur.
As Dr. Roy Barsness states, “We hold to an understanding that we are conceived in relationship, formed in relationship, harmed in relationship, and transformed through relationship.” We believe deeply in the power of the therapeutic relationship to provide transformational healing. -
We often refer to Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) as a brain hack. ART is a non-invasive, non-talk therapy used to help people consolidate memories so the memories don’t hold the same emotional dysregulating effect. ART works to treat the symptoms and remove the triggers associated with the overwhelming memory. This allows space for healing uninhibited by emotional triggers.
Critical Memory Integration (CMI™) works to reconsolidate and integrate critical memories in our brain in order to provide healing from emotional distress. CMI™ is a form of relational therapy that works with our emotions to integrate memories back into the whole of who we are and ensure we don’t split off parts of ourselves. It helps reconsolidate core memories so as to remain true to our authentic selves.

“That which is outside of our awareness must first be held in order to be felt.”
-Critical Memory Integration Training